Grumpy Frog, written and illustrated by Ed Vere, is a delightful story with beautiful illustrations and the 5-year-old twin boys I was reading it with love it (to the point of fighting over it at bedtime).
Grumpy Frog is not grumpy when things are going his way. He loves the colour green, other colours are no good, he loves to hop and loves winning. If he loses or his friends want to do something other than hopping he gets really grumpy! Although he doesn’t think he does.
When his friends go off to play without him and he refuses to be friends with pink rabbit, because he’s not green, and then gets swallowed by a crocodile he soon realises that he has to change his ways, but will he?
Overall, Grumpy Frog is an excellent story that both boys love (they fight over who has it at bedtime even though it gets read to both of them and now know the book word for word). It has overtaken Bedtime for Monsters, also by Ed Vere. The story deals with compromise and not getting your own way all the time, tolerance, friendship, reflecting on your actions and saying sorry, loneliness and getting rid of the grumps.
The illustrations are bright, bold, vivid, they complement the story extremely well and will be very appealing to children.
This is a humorous book, with some excellent messages to be taken away, that children will love and it will definitely be a firm favourite, especially for bedtime reading.
Rating: 5/5
RRP: £6.99 (Paperback) / £3.99 (Kindle)
Grumpy Frog by Ed Vere is available to buy from Amazon here.